Academy of Religious Studies
Professional Ministerial Certification Diploma Programs
Chaplaincy Nevada training is biblically based, which emphasizes Christ as the central figure and paradigm for all Christianity. Chaplains Certification and Academy studies and materials are endorsed after satisfying its specific education and training objectives outlined by the authority of Messages of Faith Ministry, E.D. and governing Chaplains body, of religious trainers. Chaplain Academy Body of Members must be Professionals in Education, Training, Pastors, Assoc. Pastors, Elders, Sr. Chaplains, Licensed Psych./Counseling.
Preamble: Chaplaincy is grounded in initiating, developing, discipling, and bringing an appropriate amount of education and training under Messages of Faith Ministry, and its Chaplaincy Nevada division through the Academy and Basic Religious Studies. This includes Religious Studies and further education, Professional trained Overseer's, Teamwork and Collaboration, Ethical Practice which guides decision making and professional behavior, Confidentiality which respects the privacy of chaplains personal and educational information.
Class Evaluations
Click on the Link Above to Complete.
Evaluations are accepted up to 7-14 days from the class completion date.
Graduation Application & Essay Submission
SR Chaplain Graduation. Earn your in-house credits, complete your required classes. Must submit required Essays prior 3wks.) to graduation.
BC Chaplain Graduation. Earn your in-house credits, complete your required classes. Must submit required Essays prior 3wks.) to graduation.
Seminary Graduation: Earn your in-house credits, complete your required classes. Must submit required Essays prior (3 wks.) to graduation.
Academy Course Levels
LEVEL 100 COURSE: Basic Chaplaincy Certification: (Must Complete for Basic/Ordination) 28hrs.
Certificate Training: The Chaplains Basic training is an extraordinary and vigorous training course of commitment for completing its Phase I & 2 training, with a continuance of discipleship training through Phase 3.
Session 1. Chaplaincy
Introduction. What is Chaplaincy? Who is a Chaplain? Chaplain Requirements &Training. Emergency Role. Non-Emergency Chaplains.
Ministry, The Minister, Prayer, Prayer warriors, Cont. Education. Church Liaisons. Outreach Providers.
Law Enforcement /CIT. Warning Signs of Mental Illness- Alcohol & Drug Abuse. Elements of Crisis Intervention & Crisis Communication.
Gangs. Youth and Domestic Violence. Gangs and Schools. Signs and Symbols of Gangs. Female Gang Associates.
Religions, Interfaith Importance & Practices, Discipleship, Forgiveness, Community Services.
Review. Exam.
LEVEL 200 Course:Chaplains Ordination: (Must Complete for Ordination/Academy) 14 hrs.
Certificate Training on Ordination & Anointing Sacraments.
Anointing Ceremony-Church Recommendation Needed
Session 1
-Power & Authority of God -Repentance -Faith in God -Great Commission
-Why Ordination? -What is Ordination? -Consecration. -Ordination Responsibilities
-Study Packet
-Divinity - Grace -Salvation -Anointing -Leadership -Evangelism
Session 2 Application
-Understanding how to apply Bible Principles in Ministry.
-The application and usage of Scripture.
-Application and Principles of Ministering, Preaching, Teaching, etc.
-The Role of Chaplains & Church
Basic/Ord Training Total Combined:42 hrs. ($1050 Value) Student Cost: No Fee)
LEVEL 300 COURSE: SR Chaplain Graduates 175 hrs.(Value $4375) Student Cost: No Fee)
Chaplaincy Academy of Religious Studies & SR Chaplain Graduate Ceremony.
Christian Apologetics Defending the Faith 101: Sessions: 8 32hrs.
Instructor BC Chaplain Michael Thrower
Essentials of the Christian Faith. Christian Apologetics is the discipline of defending a religious position through the systematic use of scripture and information. Early Christian writers (c. 120 who defended their faith against critics and recommended their faith to outsiders were called apologists.
The Heart of Apologetics -Bible Writings and Authorship -Christian Mandate from the Bible -Homosexuality Marriage -Denom. Offshoots of Christianity -Carnal Christians -The Truth of the Gospel -Social Issues (Politics/Abortion/Science) -Repentance & Salvation -Jesus & the Resurrection
Homiletics Apprenticeship-Sermons, Bible Studies, Prayer Warriors: Sessions: 6 30 hrs.
Instructor BC Chaplain DD
The art of preaching, writing, and delivering sermons. Toastmaster style, Prep & Workshop Class Templates are used in all 3 categories for creating individual presentations and delivering them within the classroom. Online assignments include videos. â
Sermons -Bible Studies -Prayer
Intern: Participation= 3 In-field events.
Services Course: Baptisms, Communion, Weddings, Funerals: Sessions 2 10 hrs.
Part 1: Baptism/Communion: Instructor: BC Chaplain Estrellita
Learn about the Sacraments as effective signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church a Christian rite recognized as of particular importance and significance of religious tradition and ceremony.
Session 1. -Baptisms - Communion
Session 2. -Funerals -Weddings
Biblical Studies: Sessions 2 20 hrs.
Instructor: BC Chaplain Dorla Stewart
Part 1: Bible OT & NT: Sessions 2
66 Books Include: Old Testament Genesis - Malachi. New Testament: Matthew Revelation. The Torah (Law), the Neviim (Prophets)
Ketuvim (Writings). Learn the essentials of the Bible by studying the different break-down and sections of each book.
Genesis -Exodus -Leviticus - Numbers -Deuteronomy -Gospels: Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John -History: Book of Acts -Pauline Epistles: Romans -
Philemon -General Epistles: Hebrews - Jude -Prophecy: Book of Revelation
Part 2: Bible Foundations: Sessions 2
Build a firm foundation for biblical understanding through basic Bible content and beliefs, understand what it means, and learn to apply it to yours, and other lives.
What is Baptism of the Holy Spirit -What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit -Deep and Abiding Fellowship with Jesus -Gods Perfect Choice
What is the Great Commission -What is the Second Coming of Christ -How to have Great Faith in God
Evangelism: Sessions: 2 10 hrs.
Instructor BC Chaplain Karen Atlantic
Christian evangelism explains the necessity of repentance and faith, and salvation through the grace of God alone, through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Biblical Evangelism is not defined by man-made methodologies. Rather, Biblical Evangelism is defined by biblical, historical, and systematic theology.
Evangelism -The Evangelist -Prayer -Crisis -Lost Souls -Salvation
Clergy Training:(1st Unit of CPT for Sr) Sessions: 4 20 hrs.
Learning counseling techniques, and training for clergy helps provide the advantage of being both trained in traditional counseling methods, and in the application of biblical truths and scripture, while helping others to resolve problems and crisis issues with the help of God's Word.
Topics: Variety
Book of Revelation: Sessions: 4 18 hrs.
Instructor: BC Chaplain Michael
Discover and learn about the book and mysteries of Revelation.
Included: The Past "Have Seen" *The 7 Churches *The Present "Things That Are" *7 Seals, Trumpets, Vials *The Future Shall be hereafter. The Return of Jesus*Battle of Armageddon White Throne Judgment and more!
Levels of Heaven & Hell: Sessions 2hrs. 10hrs
Instructor: BC Chaplains Michael & Laquieta
The understanding of the different levels Heaven and the levels of Hell
Included are, Are Heaven & Hell literal places-3 levels of Heaven-Degrees of Rewards- Degrees of joy- Bible terms of hell- Different degrees of sin.
Hermeneutics: It Is Written: Sessions 2 10 hrs.
Instructor: BC Chaplain Laquieta
Hermeneutics is the science and art of Biblical interpretation and examination. It is a science because there are laws that guide it. It is an art because the laws must be skillfully applied.
The term comes from the Greek verb meaning to translate, to interpret.
Overview- Origin & History- Interpretation of Scripture- Inductive Study & Method- Poor Methods- Divine Structure- Narratives- Jesus Said.
Spiritual Realm: Gifts & Warfare: Sessions 2 10 hrs.
Instructor: BC Chaplain Dorla
The Bible, however, has much to say about the spirit realm because our Heavenly Father Yahweh dwells there. His only Son âwhich was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen, which our hands have handled, the Word of Life (lJohn 1:1) has come down to the physical, material world and manifested Himself to mankind.
Fear of the spirit world exists because we have been conditioned to think primarily of demonic or satanic activities of evil associated with spirits. In fact, the Adversary is an evil spirit and captain of the fallen angels who also rebelled, Jude 6.
Peter warns us to be alert and aware of the Adversaries intentions: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1Pet. 5:8).
Topics include: The understanding, and is it rea
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Gifts
Leadership-Vision Ministry: Sessions 1 5 hrs
Topics include Leadership styles, Different Types of Leadership, Top Qualities of a Great Leader Characteristics of a Leader, Ministry Leadership, Clergy Leadership, Principles of Servantry, Leadership, The importance of Vision in Christian Ministry and more!
Daughters of God
Grow Your Own Ministry
Skills 1 & 2 & 3
Spiritual Recovery
Color of Forgiveness
The Epistles
LEVEL 500 SEMINARY MINISTERIAL ECCLESIASTIC CERT 208 hrs:(Value $5200.00) Student Cost: No Fee.
Ministerial Seminarian Graduate: Must complete the basic ministerial Seminary religious studies required course of approximately160 in-classroom hrs. (this does not include lab/assignment times). The Seminary graduation period is approximately 12months-18months of class completion. A 2500 Word Essay of My Philosophy on Christian Faith. This must be approved prior to Seminary Graduation, and an online Graduation application must be submitted to be considered for Graduation.
What is Seminary: It prepares students to become ministers, a place or establishment for teaching and learning, a school for training religious leaders. It is theology, generally to prepare them for ordination to serve as clergy, in academics, or mostly in Christian ministry.
Homiletics Apprenticeship:Sessions: 6 30 hrs
The art of preaching, writing, and delivering sermons. (Included in SR & BCC grad requirements)
Bible Studies-Biblical Foundation:Sessions 4 18 hrs
Understanding the essentials of the Bible and its foundation. (Included in SR & BCC grad requirements)
Apologetics:Sessions 8 32 hrs.
The essentials of the Christian Faith. (Included in SR & BCC grad requirements)
Heaven & Hell:Sessions
The understanding of the different levels Heaven and the levels of Hell. (Included in SR & BCC grad requirements)
Revelation:Sessions 4 18 hrs.
Discover and learn about the book and mysteries of Revelation. (Included in SR & BCC grad requirements)
Hermeneutics:Sessions 2 10 hrs.
The science and art of Biblical interpretation and examination. (Included in SR & BCC grad requirements)
Spiritual Realm:Sessions 2 10 hrs.
The Gifts & The Warfare. (Included in SR & BCC grad requirements)
Philosophy & Church History:Sessions 2 10 hrs.
Study the history of world philosophy, Christian philosophy, and church history. (Included in Seminary grad requirements)
Holy Trinity:Sessions 2 10 hrs.
The Trinity Doctrine of the One God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons. (Included in Seminary grad requirements)
Eschatology/Biblical Language Translations:Sessions 2 10hrs.
The study of what Scripture teaches about the end times. (Included in Seminary grad requirements). The importance of Biblical language and translation.
Theology & Ministry:(Included in CPT grad requirements) 20 hrs.
Pastoral Care:(Included in CPT grad requirements) 20 hrs.
Clergy Training:(Included in CPT & SR Grad Requirements) 20 hrs.
($5875 Value) Student Cost: No Fee.
Requirements include completion of all 3 programs, 1. Academy SR Chaplain 2. CPT 3. Task-force Completions.
ACADEMY SPECIALTY COURSE:CPT Sessions 16 hrs.64:(Value $1600)
See CPT Specialized Training-Clinical Pastoral Training
NSCTF- CHAPLAIN TASK-FORCE:Sessions 6 hrs.22:(Value $550)
See NSCTF Specialized Training
Classroom Policies:
1. Come prepared with writing tools, home assignments, text/manual/handouts/Bible materials in print or digital.
2. Always be on time for class, this also avoids class disruptions, after 2 significant tardies you will be dropped from a 4-16 session class. For a 2-session class there is no room for tardies unless you contact your instructor prior to class. On a 2-4 session class you must attend all sessions. 6-8 session class you must attend 5-7 sessions. On a 16-session class you must attend 14 sessions. You must complete the class essays required for the missing classes in order to receive your class credit.
3.Respect and courtesy are absolute at all times. in the classroom, during breaks, with instructors and with peers.
4. Dress appropriately at all times, No "shorts". No heavy perfumes etc. due to other's allergies.
5. Follow the instructors classroom/assignment direction. Raise your hand so as not to disrupt the instructor and training.
6.Silence cellphones during class
7. Registration is only done through class registration, do Not register with, or drop a class with the instructor.
8, Snacks and drinks are permitted during the break sessions.
9. Always clean up your desk area before leaving for the next class.
10. No loitering on the premises after classes.
11, Chaplains are responsible for printing their own materials
12. Sorry no guests or children at any time.
13. No personal product sales on the premises.
14 No personal group prayer during class/classroom except for praying in/out of class.
15 Inform your instructor / room coordinator when you are going to be late for class
16. No Show: If you are a no-show drop 3 times per year, you may not be able to register again until the following year.
17. Class Essays for make-up assignments are not available for 2-4 session classes.
18. If you have a disability, please let your instructor know.
19. Do not prop open the outer doors to enter or to exit the bldg.
20. Any violation(s) of the class policies will result in a "warning" after 3 class warnings you will be suspended for 3 months from registering for classes, any violation of the class suspension will result in a suspension from Chaplaincy.
21. Transcripts are available 30 days prior to graduation. You must use your Class Logbook to keep track of the classes and dates for your credit/completion history.
22. For personal complaints on or about classes or policies you may contact the Academy Director. or use your class evaluation form.
(Class Logbook links are available online, above on this page, and the class calendar page for downloading and tracking/ recording your classes.)
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or ADA (42 U.S.C. § 12101) is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. It affords similar protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal, and later sexual orientation
A. Disabilities: Continued: Contact your instructor prior to the class start date and advise them of your disability, or special needs to take into account and consideration so the instructor may properly work with you in class to meet your level of comfort and needs.
Disabilities: Zoom application has not changed, attendees have the option to post a picture of themselves or showcase their name for attendance rather than go live/appear on zoom and therefore it allows them the ability to work from comfort and any position, room and location within their own setting, and still have complete function and participation in and throughout all classes and events.