Messages of Faith Ministry
Chaplaincy Nevada
Nevada State Incorporated, 2001 Nevada Licensed, 2001
Non Profit 501 c-3
Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
II Timothy 2:15

Professional Certificate Course
Clinical Pastoral Training
CPT Professional Certificate-Course
Clinical Pastoral Training
Sat: 1:30-5:30PM
Sun: 2:00-6:00PM
CPT 16 Sessions 4 Units
Professional Certificate Course (Variety of Instructors)
Time: 1:30PM-5:30PM:(Sar sessions)
Time: 2:00PM-6:00PM (Sun sessions)
CPT Unit 1 4 Sessions 16 hrs
Saturday and Sunday
Clergy Training Science Study Mind/Behavior
August 16/17th/23/24
Unit 1 Syllabus Topics:
1 Psychology, Science & Faith
2 Soul Care
3 Pastoral Christian Coaching
4 End of Life
September 13/14/20/21
Unit 2 Syllabus Topics
1 Rehabilitation Counseling
2 Spiritual & Secular Counseling
3 Spiritual Care/Clinical Chaplaincy
4 Addiction/Mental Health
Theology & Ministry
October 4/5/11/12th
Unit 3 Syllabus Topics
1 Foundation of Theology and Ministry
2 The Bible, Christianity
3 Christian Roles & Major Religions
4 Studies & Concepts of Religion
Pastoral Care
November 15/16/22/23rd
Unit 4 Syllabus Topics
1 Ministry of Presence, Church/Body of Christ
2 Hospitals & Hospice, Policies & Procedures
3 Clinical Outreach & Services, Case Study
4 Pastoral Care, Traditions, Sacraments
All 4 Units of 16 sessions must be completed to pass.
The course is allowed a total of 2 absences only out of 16 sessions with make-up assignments.
CPT Certificate Ceremony Dec 13th 1:00PM
Advisory Board:
2nd Saturday of each month. 11AM
Administration Dept.
2nd Saturday of each month. 9 AM
Task-Force Schedule
Spiritual 1st Responders
RECAP: Chaplain Procedures
January Sat 18th 10:AM-1PM
June Sat 28th 10AM-1PM
Broken Pneuma: Specialized CERT Training
July: Sat: 12th 10AM-3PM
Sunday 13th 1:30-6:30PM
Quarterly Mini-Training's
Feb: Sat 22nd 10:30AM-1:00PM
June: Sat: 21st 10:00AM- 1:00PM
Nov. Sat 22nd 10AM-1:00PM
Chaplain Fellowship Events
Chaplain Fellowship Events/Coffee Clutch
TBA- (the schedule will become available during 2025 per event notifications.
Fellowship: Holiday Potluck Events
April: Easter: Sat: 12th 1:00-5:PM
Dec: Christmas: Sat: 13th 2:-6PM
Fellowship: Quarterly Breakfasts
TBA- (the schedule will become available during 2025 per event notifications.
Fellowship: NDP – Prayer Meet
2025 TBA
Fellowship Monthly Calendar
Saturday March 8th (1st) Quarterly
Saturday June14th (2nd) Quarterly
Saturday September 13th (3rd) Quarterly
Saturday February 28th (1st) Coffee Clutch.
Friday May 23rd (2nd) Coffee Clutch
Friday August 1st (3rd) Coffee Clutch
Friday November14th (4th) Coffee Clutch
Wednesday December 31st Coffee Clutch
Saturday April 19th Easter Pot-luck
Saturday December 13th Christmas Pot-luck
Thursday May 1st NDP
Women’s Fellowship pending. TBD
Men's Fellowship Saturday September 13th
Chaplaincy Events
Advisory Board: Chaplains Annual Picnic
Saturday May 11AM-3PM TBA
MOFM/ Adopt a Cop
Chaplains Mandatory Check-in/Annual Prayer
October 2nd: Thursday 4:30PM
Check-in Peace Be Still Prayer
Academy Studies 2025
Please Check Back Often for Class Updates.
Homiletics: Apprenticeship
Sat: 4/11/18 1:PM-5:PM
Sun: 5/12/19 1:30-5:30PM
Instructor Facilitator
Sat: 25th 10AM-12:25PM (Instructors Only)
Leadership Fellowship Certificates
Sat: 25th 12:30PM-3:30PM
Leadership: Vision Ministry
Sun: 26th 1:30PM-5:30PM
The Trinity
Sat:1st 1:30PM-5PM
Sun: 2nd 2:PM-6:PM
Eschatology/Biblical Language Translation
Sat: 8th 1:30-5:30PM
Sun: 9th 1:30PM-5:30PM
Sat: 15/22nd 2:00-5:30PM
Sun: 16/23rd 2:00- 5:30PM
Permission Mission Mini Training
Sat: 15th 10:30AM-1:30PM
Daughters of God
Sat: 1st 11:00AM-2:30PM
Sun 2nd 1:30-5PM
Sat: 8/ 15th 1:00-4:30
Sun: 9/16th 2:00-5:30PM
Basic Chaplaincy
March 22/23/29/30th
Sat 10AM-4PM / Sun 1:30-7PM 4 Sessions
Cont. Basic Ord Training
Sat: 5th 10AM-4:30PM Sun: 6th 1:30-7:30PM
Ord Ceremony Sat 12th @ 11AM
Sat 3rd 11AM-3PM
Skills: Reporting: (New Chaplains)
Sat: 10th 10AM-1:00PM
Biblical Archeology
Sat: 10th 1:30PM-5:00PM
Grant Writing- A
Saturday- 17th 10AM-1PM
Grant Writing- B
Sun: 18th 1:30PM-4:30PM
Levels of Heaven & Hell
Sat: 24th 1:30-5:30PM
Sun: 25th 2:00-6:00PM
Sat: 7th: 1:30-5:00PM
Sun: 8th: 2:00-5:30PM
Book of Revelation
Sat: 14th/21st 2:00-5:30PM
Sun: 15th /22nd 2:00-5:30PM
Biblical Studies: Bible OT & NT
Part1: Sat: 28th 1:30-5:00PM
Sun: 29th 2:00-5:30PM
Biblical Studies Part 2: Bible Foundation
Sat: 5th 1:00-5:00PM
Sun: 6th 2:00
Broken Pneuma: Specialized CERT Training
July: Sat: 12th 10AM-3PM
Sunday 13th 1:30-6:30PM
The Spiritual Realm
Sat: 26th 12:-4:00PM
Sun: 27th 1:30-5:30PM
Pt 1 & 2: The Color of Forgiveness
Sat 2nd:11:00-3:00PM
Sun 3rd: The Secret of Forgiveness 2;00-5:30PM
Church History & Philosophy
Sat: 9th 1:30-5:30PM
Sun: 10th 2:00-5:50PM
Permission Mission
Sat: 9th 10AM-1:00PM
Sat: 6th Sun: 7th
Sat: 1:00-4:45PM Sun: 2:00-5:50PM
Sat: 27th 11:00-3:30
Basic Chaplaincy Certification
Sat & Sun: 18/19/25/26th
Sat:10AM-4PM Sun 1:30-7:30PM
Cont. Nov: Ordination Training:
Sat: 1st: 10AM-4:30PM
Sun: 2nd: 1:30-7:30 PM
Google Skills: Reports (New Chaplains)
Sat 15th 10:-1:00PM
Jesus: The Model of Forgiveness
Sat: 29th: 11:00-3:00PM
Services: Baptisms/ Funerals/ Weddings
Sat: 6th 11:00-3:00PM
Sun: 7th 1:30PM-5:30PM
Copyright(c)2009 All Rights Reserved
Professional Certificate Programs & Graduation
(Total overall time)
1. A: ACADEMY SR Chaplain Program= Spring & Fall = 1.5 yrs
1. B: BCChaplains= Ministerial Board Certification= 3.-3.5yrs
2. CPT Fall/Winter 16 sessions:= 4 Months
3. TASKFORCE: Fall/Winter= 1 yr.
4. SEMINARY=Summer/Fall/Winter= 3yrs
All things work together for good. Rom 8:28
All Chaplaincy classes work together for good, as one, through the Ministry's 3-training programs.
Copyright(c)MOFM2001 All Rights Reserved
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps Proverbs 16:9