Nevada State Chaplains Task Force


Chaplain Emergency Response Team
Emergency & Critical Incidence Response
Crisis/Trauma/Natural Disaster

FEMA/ CLV-CERT/ CPR 1st Aid/ Crisis-Trauma/Mental Health Trained
Community Counseling Trained, Christian Clergy Trained, and more.
Chaplain Emergency Response Team meets the pivotal need for spiritual and ministerial care and emotional charge following disasters,
crisis and traumatic events. Chaplains are deployed to assist and provide spiritual care and comfort in times of need.

Member of Southern Nevada VOAD (National-Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters)
BCChaplain Barry and Chaplain Bryan members of the S. NV. Voad Board, a national organization with state and local affiliates.
VOAD is the forum where organizations share knowledge and resources throughout the disaster cycle-preparation, response and recovery-to help disaster survivors and their communities. VOAD is comprised of faith-based groups, government agencies and private businesses that organize and activate in disasters to assist schools, businesses, government services and the community as a whole to resume normal activities after a disaster.

Las Vegas-October 1st-A Day to Remember #VegasStrong

Nevada State Chaplains Task-Force Executive Director: BC Chaplain Victorya

Become a Certified Task-Force Graduate

Level 1:Certified Graduate Spiritual 1st Responder
Graduates receive their Chaplaincy Emergency Critical Incidence Credit
(Must complete: 3 mini-training's/  Broken Pnuma 2-day conference
and (recommended) apply for their FEMA online 100,200, Recommended 505 certificates)

Level 2:Entry Level Spiritual 1st Responder
(Any chaplain may attend any class; you must complete 3 + BP to complete)

*Chaplains Training Booklet: Click to Download

*Class Evaluation Form:Fill it out and Submit. Scroll down to complete all evaluation information.

Unit One: TF Training
Broken Pneuma (the shattered soul)
-Community Psychology
-Phases of Disaster
-Emergency Response/FEMA
-Trauma & Addiction
-PTSD & The Family
-Grief & Boundaries
-Challenging Behaviors/Risks
-Human / Spiritual Development
-Spiritual 1st Responders 
-Steps:The Healing Process
-Active Shooter-Crisis Response

Unit Two: Security TF Training:
The purpose of the Chaplain Security training and response is for the precaution, protection, defense, and prevention from injury while avoiding and detracting difficult and escalated problems or negative circumstance during times of critical and emergency incidents.

Training Consultant:SR Chaplain Todd Wellman
Military Experience (11 years) U.S. Army Lieutenant, Urban Warfare & Military Police Training.
Police Experience (24 years) Retired Sergeant; Patrol (Field Training Officer & Field Training Sergeant), Training Bureau (Firearms, Defensive Tactics), Investigations (Homicide), Special Weapons & Tactics (SWAT) Team Leader.

Special Training
Chaplains must be trained and prepared to provide spiritual assistance, support, care, and resources during times of critical emergency response and the nature of their work may lead them into high-risk arenas at times. Knowing their Security training is intact may also help provide peace of mind and a sense of surety while easing the physical mind-set and burden.

*Be trained in the knowledge and usage of weapons.
*Ability to identify task force certified members on call during an emergency response.
*Manage and monitor the Chaplains process during an emergency response.
*Responsible for the written report of the incident after an emergency response.
*Ensure weaponry precaution guidelines of Chaplains on duty during an emergency response.
*Assist the 1st Responders with their Chaplain team when on-call.
*Train chaplains on *Security Measures and *Active Shooter roles.

FEMA /CERT:FEMA Information is listed below, cert training's are done on-line

FEMA ONLINE: Task Force Required- (FEMA Cert No Fee) FEMA Course Info: ISP Courses, Information

Note: Each course cert takes approximately 3-6 hrs to complete. Total of 6 days Minimum

Register-SID Number:
To complete your class and certification each person will need to register and be given a SID number ID. Social security numbers are no longer accepted. When your on-line class is completed you may print your certificate and save it to your file.
NOTE: If you currently have a CPR Certification, or FEMA Certificates, or CERT completed, please email a copy of the information to Chaplain Barry.

FEMA Block 1: Required
•ICS: 100- FEMA: Introduction To Incident Command System (ICS)
ICS 100, Introduction to the Incident Command System, introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

•ICS: 200- FEMA: Single resources & Initial Action Incident (ICS)
CS 200 is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the Incident Command System (ICS). ICS-200 provides training on and resources for personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within the ICS.

•IS: 505- FEMA: Religious & Cultural Literacy & Competency in Disaster
FEMA Administrator, W. Craig Fugate began to promulgate the Whole Community Concept. Based on this concept, he stated that “When a disaster strikes, the initial services provided may not come from government, but rather from churches, synagogues, mosques and other faith-based and community organizations.” "Improving the Nation's Response to Catastrophic Disasters: How to Minimize Costs and Streamline our Emergency Management Programs" – W. Craig Fugate, March 30, 2011. Based on the idea that religious and cultural communities are part of the Whole Community, the DHS Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships works to form partnerships between the Federal Government and faith-based and neighborhood organizations to more effectively serve Americans in need.

What is a Chaplains Task-force?
The Chaplains Taskforce consist of two initiatives established to work on specific tasks and activities such as crisis and faith-based incidents, to help assist under the direction of a government, community event or disaster while providing a leading support system in spiritual and religious efforts and service to all those in need.

Why the need of a Chaplains taskforce?
Each person's role in the task force is important, the role of the chaplain is always unique because in a predicament people might need the presence or the love of God, and spiritual calm.

To have the representation of the chaplain during a community, city, county, state or national event available during a crisis-incident and moral conflict is critical because it is going to be an emotional event, for any and all the people affected.

Chaplaincy trains, maintains and dispatches highly skilled volunteer Christian ordained, and lay Chaplains. Chaplaincy also trains Inter-Faith lay Chaplains for Community Crisis and to provide spiritual and emotional support and assistance to the interfaith community. Chaplaincy offers support to individuals and their families, local & state agencies, as well as public and private institutions, in times of crisis. Our Community Crisis and Faith based Chaplains bring images of order in the midst of chaos and hope in the midst of despair and conflict. They advise at all levels and offer honest and candid moral and spiritual guidance to all.

To provide spiritual leadership and ministry that enriches the lives of Nevada, and local and global communities in support of the free exercise of religion in peace, conflict, disaster, and war. 
Chaplains are non-combatants and serve where necessary and when called upon.

Chaplaincy Taskforce Services?
-Community Crisis Response Units
-Chaplains Bring Order in the Midst of Chaos
-Hope in the Midst of Despair

Chaplains Benefit?
To serve the people in the State of Nevada, government and citizens alike is an honor, it's a great educational opportunity, and it's a great opportunity to grow personally as well.

The dynamics of the task force are unique. As soon as there is an incident in the state and the governor declares a state of emergency, Chaplains will be called to assist people in the event of a disaster.

The Chaplain taskforce religious/spiritual support team would assist everyone involved in the recovery effort where directed. The religious and spiritual support team used in a time of crisis could provide religious counseling and attend to the spiritual needs of those affected.

Sometimes people just need to decompress with the chaplain during crisis or circumstance, and a Chaplain can help with that one-on-one assistance helping them be at ease.

Chaplain Taskforce Requirements?
Our volunteer chaplains are certified in First Aid, CPR & AED, and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team). Our Chaplains currently hold background checks which are conducted through a variety of checks from law enforcement and/or state, county, organizations, etc.

Chaplaincy Training?
Chaplaincy Nevada is the Chaplains training division of MOFM since 2009. Chaplaincy offers Basic Chaplaincy Certification to all faiths, and Christian religious in-house Academy studies all year.

Copyright(c)2017 All RightsReserved  
Quarterly Mini Training's

See annual calendar for schedule.

Emergency Response
Emergency Management
and more!
-Chaplains Protocol of a Call-out
-How to properly assist
-Chain of Command
-Chaplain Responsibilities
-Understanding homicides
-Gang affiliation
-Do's & Donts
-Proper Identification and wear
-and more

CPR 1st Aid/AED-2 yr.

Security Measures-See Unit 2

FEMA 100/200
Prior-2022: NV VOAD Chair Brian Scroggins
SNV VOAD Board Member SR Chaplain Barry Mainardi
Prior 2019: NV VOAD Chair Connie Morton
Training Lead SR Chaplain Annette (L)
Executive Director SR Chaplain Victorya (R)
Chaplains Task-Force Directors

* BCChaplain Annette Arnold-Pflaum
Broken Pneuma, Debrief
Founder of  501 c3 Wisteria Ministry

* BC Chaplain Brian Scroggins
Emergency Management Foundation
Founder of EMF 501c3.

* BCChaplain Tyrone Chew
Situational Awareness
LV Fire& Rescue Chaplain Lead

The TF Directors are in charge of management and emergency preparedness, activities, and lead instructors for chaplains training for meeting the needs of times of crisis and disaster.

Task-force:Vegas Strong Chaplains